How is it Thanksgiving next week????
I can’t believe Thanksgiving is six days away. It’s surely two weeks or more away, right? Right? Damn Covid. I’ve lost almost a month to this crap. Although I realize how very lucky I am that it’s not worse, it’s still hard to cope with the persistent cough, nose blowing, weakness, exhaustion, and brain fog.…
Read MoreEAGLE EYE RELEASE DAY!!! Whee!!!!
Hate preorders? Do I have good news for you!! EAGLE EYE e-book release day is TODAY!!! (Google Play tomorrow, I think; Print should be in a week or two; I’ll announce when I get the news) And, for the first time, ever: We get to hear Jack’s thoughts on the cases! He’s writing…
Read MoreApril Fool’s Day…
This whole year has been an April Fool’s joke, so here’s a moment of Zen instead: Pups enjoying a splash in a pond.
Read MoreA free book for you!!
As a thank you gift for hanging in there while BLINK OF AN EYE has been delayed, I’m giving you PRIVATE EYE – the second in the Tiger’s Eye Mystery series – free for a limited time!! Get yours now: CLICK HERE! And DEAD EYE, the first in my Tiger’s Eye Mystery series, is free…
ACIMH* At dinner tonight, Navy Guy and Law School Ninja and I discussed the word I invented today: DISEMBOWELABLE. Me: Penny eviscerated another toy today. We need toys that are not disembowelable. NG: that’s not a word. LSN: Technically, according to the principles of English, it should be a word. NG: The principles of English…
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