Friday Mental Health Check-in – Impostor Syndrome

I’ve had several people reach out to ask if I’m okay and why I haven’t been putting my Friday Mental Health Check-Ins up for several weeks. I tried and tried to figure out an answer that doesn’t sound awful, but as usual, I have to go with the truth:  I’ve been feeling like a fraud.…

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Friday Mental Health Check In – on Naysayers

Friday Mental Health Check In: (and please share this post with everyone; it’s so important!) Today I want to talk about the issue of naysayers. Mental health deniers. The Tom Cruise “post-partum depression doesn’t exist” kind of thing. The neighbor who tells you that meds are bad and she was sad once but sniffing tulips…

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Friday Mental Health Check In:

Friday Mental Health Check In: How is everyone this week? I realized I have the “My baby is going to college” blues, but then College Ninja decided to live at home and commute to his college classes this year, so I won’t be totally an empty nester. Yay! I’m also avoiding the doctor, because I…

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On courage and learning to swim…

Conquering fear… One of the worst things about depression is that it makes us afraid. Afraid of stepping outside our comfort zone, afraid of trying new things, afraid of stepping into the world and experiencing it fully–with adventures and anticipation and joy. So today I’m going to begin to tackle one of my lifelong fears:…

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