My first book – about being a military family during a wartime deployment

Hurricane Ian is past, and we were incredibly fortunate. We are fine. Lots of wind and lots of rain lots of branches down. But we didn’t lose power. My daughter in Orlando said she’s fine too the storm turned and went South of them. I feel so bad for the west coast though.
In other news, if you’re new to my books, you may not know I grew up in an Air Force family and then married a Navy flyer. Just after 9/11, Judd’s squadron was one of the first to go overseas in response.
It was a very, very hard time.
So, I decided to write a book about it. I took our actual emails we sent back and forth during two wartime deployments, wrote essays about the situations, and turned it all into a book. The book was very successful – I had a cross-country TV tour and did more than 100 radio interviews. As you can see above, it came out in 2003 and we were all a little younger then. 🙂 And Pulitzer-Prize winning author DAVE BARRY gave me a cover quote!!!
It’s FREE for the next five days at Amazon! (If you don’t have a Kindle, you can always read Kindle books on the app on your phone or tablet). You can get it HERE:…/dp/B006YXEGKW/
I’ve put two whole chapters on the book’s page for you to see HERE – one is about the Lawnmower SNAFU and one is about an email I had to send Judd saying “Today I thought you died.”
I’m sending, as always, all my love to all the military families.  And all my best wishes to everyone who suffered through Ian. I hope power comes back very soon and you get all the help you need with rebuilding.
Email to the Front

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