On being human …
Some news:
It has been a rough couple of years for me, y’all, as you know from being here. Horrible on health and well-being and creativity.
And one of the worst things?
I’ve been one of the worst things.
Because I keep setting ridiculous, unreachable deadlines for myself in a futile effort to “catch up.” To “succeed.”
To “make my readers happy.”
But, as so many of you have written to tell me, this isn’t working and isn’t even what you want. You are kind people, and you want me to wise the heck up and quit crushing myself with unrealistic deadlines and expectations. (My therapist says you’re all now Honorary Therapists for being so wise.)
So. I’m still releasing A DEAD END CHRISTMAS soonish – it will just be a bit later.
BUT. All the other preorders are going away. (I’m sorry, but if you were wonderful enough to preorder my future books, you’ll get notices from the vendors.)
I’m not canceling the books – just the preorders. What does this do, you may be asking? It takes away all the artificially imposed deadlines that don’t really reflect the time it takes me to create wonderful books. Authors need time to think and dream and imagine the characters and their lives and their journeys. At least I do.
And I’m not getting enough of that, because I’m always buried in stress over the deadlines I’m not making.
I’m still writing EYE FOR AN EYE and EYE ON THE BALL and MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. I can’t wait! But they’re going to take a while. Maybe several months each. I want Tess and Jack and the gang to have the best stories possible.
I’m finishing Edge and Meara’s book now! Coming June, 2023!!
I am finally starting to feel the stories for Atlantis come back into my head and heart. I want to take some time to revise the ones I’ve already put out and make Director’s Cuts – a few of them are going to be considerably lengthened. If you’ve already bought them, you’ll get the new ones for free. Heck, I’ll probably give EVERYBODY the new ones for free, if spicy paranormal romance is your jam, just as a thanks for hanging in there with me.
SO: there’s 2022 and 2023. Creating, writing, and joy. No crushing pressure, stress, or deadlines. I can’t wait to see how this helps my creativity. I even have a couple of surprises in store.
Thanks for reading this far. Thanks for reading my books. Thanks for your kindness.
Ich habe seid vielen Jahren die Bücher über Atlantis ( 1 bis 4) ( 4 sogar 2x weil ich es nach meinem Umzug verlegt hatte) lese sie jedes Jahr wieder und warte seid vielen Jahren sehnsüchtig darauf das die anderen Bücher auf deutsch übersetzt werden. Warum passiert das nicht? Warum gibt es sie nicht auf deutsch? Mfg Charlotte Schiemann
Danke für’s schreiben! Der deutsche Verlag entschied sich, die zweiten vier der Reihe nicht zu kaufen. Ich hoffe, sie nächstes Jahr selbst übersetzen zu lassen. Vielen Dank!
Ich hoffe sehr das das klappt und das weitere Reihen in deutsch übersetzt werden
I encourage you to take care of yourself. We can patiently wait for your books.
Heading out on vacation, I would really like to read the next “Eye” book. Any dates scheduled yet?
I am not sure. All my predictions have been wrong so far, sadly. Please sign up for my newsletter at alyssaday.com. I put all news there.