And now I’m sick…
Because a miserable bout of depression and production problems and everything else wasn’t enough.
I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen in the next few weeks. Books will just come out when they come out. I give up trying to control anything. I’m going to bed with medicine and trying to remember that I can survive even horrible bad times. I’ll check in when I can.
Please stay well.
Easy now. Stress will make it worse. Get away from the computer, block you writer mind (if something pops up and won’t leave you alone, jot it down in a notebook quickly and leave it), sleep as much as you can and/or binge watch your favorite whatever. Lots of liquids and chicken soups. Follow you doctor’s order. I waited this long for your books and I can wait longer for the rest to catch up. All your health are important, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. God Bless.
Oh honey! Yuck! Take care of yourself, the rest will follow! Sending big hugs and healing thoughts. We will be here when you feel better. Chicken soup, rest, medicine.
You got this.