Keep on standing back up

I needed to hear this today. Here’s Jack reminding us to keep on standing back up. Friends told me this when we lived in Japan, and it has always stayed with me.


  1. Pat Wittorf on October 27, 2020 at 9:38 am

    What happened to Eagle Eye? I was so disappointed to get an email from Amazon: “The release of the item in the order below has been canceled by the publisher and we have canceled your pre-order. You won’t be charged for items that are canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.” Please don’t tell me the series has ended.

    • Alyssa Day on October 27, 2020 at 9:41 am

      I’m sorry about that. I had to move a few release dates around and Amazon won’t let me move books for longer than 30 days, so they cancel the release. (Nook and Apple let me do it.)  So the next book is still Blink of an Eye and then  A Dead End Christmas. Eagle Eye will be coming out in June. Thanks for writing!


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