Superhero Sweet 16

Jessie’s super hero notes:
Take it from me, here are the top things NOT to do on your sixteenth birthday:
- Drive your mother’s boyfriend’s sheriff car into the river.
- Accuse the team quarterback of setting the school on fire.
- Freak completely out when your boyfriend tries for second base.
- Tell the League of Liberty that super powers are so yesterday.
- Call your best friend’s boyfriend a slimeball.
- Explode your sadistic orthodontist’s drill —on purpose.
In spite of Grandma E coming back to town (and wonder what secrets she’s hiding?), a command appearance in front of the League to demonstrate my still-shaky control of my powers, the arsonist who keeps setting fires in my school and in my baby sister Chloe’s school, driving lessons, braces, and – euuwwww! – my mom actually dating, this could be the best sixteenth birthday ever!
If only I survive it.
“Take this angst-ridden teen, mix in some hilarious situations, frost with touching scenes and heartfelt moments and you have SUPER WHAT? – A quirky fun-filled adventure into the lives of teens and, yes, even superheroes.”
“Jessie is an exciting, wise-cracking character . . . [T]his will be snatched up by fans of teen fiction.”
—Erika Sorocco, teen correspondent for the Community Bugle
“Speaking as one who whirled herself dizzy wanting to turn into Wonder Girl but never considered the drawbacks to getting the wish, this is a laugh-out-loud fun read for all ages.”
—Huntress Reviews
“[A] delightfully funny story that will keep you wanting to turn the pages faster to see what will happen to Jessie next.”
—Writers Unlimited